Serving Static Files

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FrontEndMasters Real-Time Web with Node.js
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JavaScript Node JS Fundamentals backend
3:40:57 - 3:52:38 Serving Static Files Up to this point, Node has been pushing content to the browser using the write-stream API. Kyle now modifies the node application to serve static HTML files. Kyle also field a few questions about keeping track of useful node modules.a simple little tool, to serve static files if you don't want another big framework for that

​npm install node-static​ and then in your js file:

​var node_static = require("node-static");
var static_files = new node_static.Server(__dirname);​ 

​__dirname​ <- is directory where you app is running from (it's a NodeJS special variable)

continued from here: Node as a Webserver
  function handleHTTP(req,res) {
	if (req.method == "GET") {
		if (/^\/\d+(?=$|[\/?#])/.test(req.url)) {
				req.url = req.url.replace(/^\/(\d+).*$/,"/$1.html");
// 		else...

​/^\/\d+(?=$|[\/?#])/​ will recognise url starting with /, continued by a numeric character and an url separator character e.g. /6 is true but not /foo

​req.url = req.url.replace(/^\/(\d+).*$/,"/$1.html");​ e.g. will "/6" will be rewritten to "/6.html" (this of course could be done by fancy frameworks)

node-static will handle all the mime-type settings and declaration, even gzip 

you can even pre-gzip files 
audiance question: how to choose libraries to use?

  1. how many stars does it have (how most people judge)
  2. how many dependencies does it have (less the better of course)
  3. twitter feeds, javascript weekly
  4. github issues
  5. actively maintained
  6. twitter talk about the module
  7. open up the code (to see if it's useful)
if something is more than a few lines, then could be worth finding a module for it